Day: 17 září, 2021

Double Taxation Agreement Canada China

3. The competent authorities of the Contracting States shall endeavour to eliminate by mutual agreement any difficulty or doubt arising from the interpretation or application of this Agreement. They may also consult each other on the elimination of double taxation in cases not provided for in this Convention. 2. This Agreement shall also apply

Distribution Agreement Template Word

When you do business together, suppliers and distributors usually enter into an informal oral agreement. Unfortunately, oral treaties often cause significant misunderstandings that can be problematic for both your party and all parties involved. The distribution contract defines the specific conditions of a contract. This may include the total duration of the contract, the

Development Agreement Intellectual Property

A joint development agreement is often linked to a grant or project plan, in which case the content of such a joint development agreement must be adapted to the respective grant conditions and the corresponding development agreement must also be submitted to the grant authority. Therefore, the establishment of development contracts must take into

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