American Cancer Society Youth Participation Agreement - 11.9.2021Opportunities for volunteers in abundance We also need volunteers for events that cover different tasks such as parking tour, stand assistants, site cleaning, banking monitor, etc. Won`t you give at least one hour of volunteer service to help your community fight cancer? Does your student need hours of public utility? Are you a non-profit or non-profit organization willing to voluntarily engage as a group? If you`re interested in signing up to help, check out this link: The American Cancer Society and the National Association of Basketball Coaches (NABC) have partnered in the fight against cancer. Each year, youth and high school teams across the country have helped raise donations and awareness of these efforts. Once again this season, we invite schools and leagues to join forces with basketball coaches across the country to raise funds to beat cancer. Don`t sit on the bench. Take part to make a difference in the fight against cancer. For more information, please email Brad Wisdom under „We depend on each team and each person to make our event a success,“ said Kristie Millican, Relay For Life of Southlake Event Chair. „Last year, our event raised more than $140,000 for the American Cancer Society to continue this fight on behalf of our family and friends who have faced cancer.“ Rachel`s Rally / Relay For Life Southlake is Friday 3rd. May at Carroll High School The Relay For Life Southlake Committee is expected to attend thousands of people who will participate in this year`s event on the track behind Carroll High School.
The campus is located on 800 White Chapel Boulevard in Southlake. Rachel`s Rally is Carroll ISD`s year-end event, which celebrates kindness and compassion. Relay For Life Southlake is the city`s largest overnight cancer fundraiser. All donations go to the American Cancer Society. Click here to participate in a donation or join a team. Rain plan: if the weather prevents the organizers from hosting Relay on Friday, May 3, the entire event will be postponed to Saturday, May 4 following the same accommodation plan. If the weather persists, a shortened event will take place on Sunday, May 5 from 1 pm to 8 pm.m. The American Cancer Society`s Relay For Life requires a companion over the age of 21 by five members of the youth team. (For this event, a young person is considered to be anyone under the age of 18.) Rachel`s Rally/Relay For Life is Friday, May 2 at Carroll High School This is the fifth year that Carroll ISD, the American Cancer Society and the Southlake Community have come together to raise awareness and strengthen the fight against cancer. Rachel`s rally starts at 6:30 p.m. .m.
followed by the season opening ceremony at 7:00 p.m. .m on the campus of Carroll High School on 800 White Chapel Boulevard in Southlake. The event will end on Saturday morning at 7.m. Security and first aid officers will be on hand during this event. Any questions? Call 817-949-7080 or email What is Relay for Life? Relay For Life is a fun overnight event that offers everyone the opportunity to get involved in the fight against cancer.